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Naivasha Virtual Fieldcourse

Nbabibi Environment Education Centre

The Naivasha Environmental Conservation Centre is led by Jospat Macharia, an energic secondary school teacher who established a "do-it-yourself" agricultural centre on its own farm for experimenting with innovative techniques to develop sustainable farming practices in a dry area of the basin, to the immediate north of the lake. Organic farming, agroforestry and inter-cropping are combined with rain and runoff harvesting and with integrated animal husbandry on Jospat's Farm . It is managed as a permanent teaching centre, open to visitors and actively promoting educational education held by Jospat for the benefit of neighbouring farmers. Jospat has managed over the past 5 years to build a residential capacity and he can now receive groups of 12-15 people at a time. Jospat feels that his 5 acre plot is able to feed more than 50 people and he manages it highly intensively, yet sustainably.