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Naivasha Virtual Fieldcourse

Fish poaching

The lack of employment and the relatively high price fetched by lake fish induced a large number of the youth to embark into illegal fishing activities. Recent estimates carried out by NBSI using boat surveys indicate that not less than 2-3 poachers operate every day over an estimated 500 m of shoreline, catching 50 kg of tilapia each per day. Considering a Main Lake shoreline length of ca.100 km, we estimated that Lake Naivasha hosts not less than 400 unlicensed fishermen catching not less than 10 tonnes of fish per day or 3000 tonnes per year, which is far greater than the licensed catch recorded in official statistics.

Illegal fishermen increase every year; some use boats while many more take fish using beach seines directly from the shore. The fisheries Department is unable to react to this situation because is disposes of few facilities and personnel. Frequently illegal nets and fish catches are confiscated; sometimes this implies having to face armed resistance leading to severe injuries. Most residents fear retaliations from poachers and are unable to avoid them trespassing through their private lands.